
Sailing Homeward - Donovan


【英伦民谣】Sailing Homeward - Donovan


Donovan Leitch,1946年生於苏格兰的Glasgow。念了一年的专科就辍学四处流浪于英伦,为讨生活他曾做过餐服员、搬运工、矿工,体尝到人间的百态及冷暖。1964年,他被经纪人Geoff Stephens和Peter Eden看上,进而引起Pye唱片公司及ITV的青垂。l965年春天发表自己的作品"Catch The Wind"。直至上世纪九十年代,Donovan一直活跃在英国民谣乐坛。

《Sailing Homeward》

Sailing homeward,it's time to go home,

Over the ocean of life we must roam.

And when you get there, say hello for me,

For I've a long, long way to go.

There may be stormy days, there will be fires

There will be valleys with mountains to climb.

And when you get there, say hello for me,

For I've a long, long way to go.

Whenever I wander weary, I'll reach for you,

I know you'll be there for to see me through.

Da da da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da da da da

And when you get there, say hello for me,

For I've a long, long way to go

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